How to build a High Performing Team

For a company striving for organizational success, the importance of high-performing teams cannot be overstated. These teams, driven by a shared vision and a commitment to excellence, consistently outperform their peers and achieve remarkable results.

As a culture transformation expert, I have synthesized key insights from years of working with and developing high-performing teams to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of their essential principles and strategies.

Principles That Govern High-Functioning Teams

To establish a high-performing team, it is crucial to lay a solid foundation built on five essential principles.

1. Fit Team Members into Defined Roles

Successful leaders understand the importance of selecting individuals who not only possess the necessary skills but also align with the organizational culture.

Fit members into roles

By hiring for specific skills and leveraging team members' strengths, leaders can assemble a cohesive team that complements one another and drives collective success.

This is not to diminish the importance of hiring for attitude at the same time as a player and learner mindset as well as working with the enterprise in mind (versus silo thinking) is crucially important for a high performing team.  

2. Let them Collaborate regularly and Share Their Expertise

Creating an environment that fosters collaboration is pivotal. Open-office plans, regular team meetings, and cross-training initiatives promote effective communication, shared knowledge, and the discovery of innovative strategies.

By encouraging collaboration, high-performing teams harness the power of collective intelligence to drive superior results.

3. Supported Team Members Feel the flow

Nurturing a sense of support within the team is paramount.  This can be achieved by creating spaces in which personal bonds can grow.

When team members feel supported and encouraged, they are more likely to enter a state of flow, as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is a mental state where individuals are fully immersed and energized in their tasks, experiencing a deep focus and enjoyment.

Flow experience

When team members have a supportive environment, they can align their efforts with their strengths and expertise, allowing them to take personal risks and engage in challenging but meaningful work.

This combination of support, utilizing strengths, and challenging tasks create the ideal conditions for team members to experience the state of flow, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction.

By establishing an environment of trust, empathy, and effective communication, team members feel valued and empowered to perform at their best.

4. Create a Sense of Synergy When Working Together

Synergy, the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, is a defining characteristic of high-performing teams. Team members can appreciate synergies if they know who can contribute what, who brings which strengths and who can enhance their own contribution.

creating synergy

Creating an inclusive environment and organizing facilitated team-building activities allow team members to develop strong relationships and capitalize on their collective strengths.

Through synergy, high-performing teams achieve remarkable outcomes.

5. Motivate to Innovate

High-performing teams embrace a culture of continuous improvement and encourage innovative thinking.

The embodiment of this key principle becomes apparent as various team members confidently step up and fearlessly challenge the prevailing discourse or consensus, seamlessly alternating roles as devil's advocate.

This becomes possible when leaders consistently invite input, resolve conflicts in a team-oriented manner, and emphasize personal ownership. By instilling the commitment to challenging the status quo, high-performing teams drive transformative change.

Building High-Performing Teams in Practice

Building a high-performing team requires a deliberate approach and adherence to best practices. Here are seven crucial steps to guide you on this journey.

1. Lead by Example and Show the Way:

As a leader, strive to become a high-performing leader yourself, and do not shy away from taking all the help you need to do so.

Lead by example

Learn and demonstrate constructive behavior, self-awareness, effective communication, accountability, and the ability to inspire and empower your team members.

Leading by example sets the tone for excellence and establishes a strong foundation for team success.

2. Establish Clear Goals, Roles, and Responsibilities

High-performing teams thrive on clarity. Clearly define goals and align them with individual roles and responsibilities. This fosters accountability, minimizes conflicts, and keeps the team focused on achieving the desired outcomes as well as helping each other.

Regular performance reviews paired with constructive developmental feedback ensure progress toward goals.

3. Embrace Diversity of Thought and Skill Sets

Embracing diversity, be it in terms of race, gender, or cognitive style, enriches team dynamics and enhances innovation. By incorporating individuals with different backgrounds and skill sets, high-performing teams leverage a broad range of perspectives to drive creativity and problem-solving.

4. Alignment with company Vision and Mission

A compelling vision and mission unite high-performing teams. Clearly communicate the overall organization's purpose and strategies, aligning them with the team's mission, vision and goals so that the team understands their contribution to the company’s goals and performance.

When team members share a common team purpose, they are inspired and motivated to work together on an emotional level which propels them toward goal realization, resulting in exceptional performance.

5. Create an Efficient Infrastructure and Automate Repetitive Work

Efficiency is a key driver of high-performing teams. Establish a reporting cadence to track progress and keep all stakeholders informed.

Efficient Infrastructure

By automating repetitive tasks and leveraging technology, team members can focus on value-added activities that contribute to the team's success.

Streamlining workflows and minimizing administrative burdens enable high-performing teams to maximize their productivity and impact.

Automating and controlling for efficiency is an ongoing task for the team to stay ahead of its own curve.

6. Empower Team Members with Decision-Making Authority

Empowered team members are more engaged, take ownership of their work, and contribute to the team's success.

I have witnessed numerous instances where executive sponsors bestow a mandate upon project teams. However, I then often observed that these teams do not wholeheartedly embrace their mandate at first, primarily due to a lack of comprehensive understanding of the scope or a cautious approach to fully embracing their empowerment.

In such scenarios, it becomes imperative to clarify the mandate and encourage the team to devise strategies for asserting their authority and effectively implementing their newfound accountability. This initial step is frequently invaluable in preparing the team to tackle the challenges associated with becoming a high-performing team in an evolving context.

Leaders should thus delegate decision-making authority, allowing individuals and teams to make informed choices within their new areas of command. This autonomy fosters a sense of ownership, boosts accountability, and accelerates problem-solving and innovation.

7. Encourage Ongoing Personal and Professional Development

Investing in the growth and development of team members is crucial for long-term success. Foster a culture of continuous learning, providing opportunities for upskilling and professional development.

Becoming a member of a cross-functional project team is certainly one such development opportunity. By equipping team members with the necessary knowledge and skills, organizations create a talent pipeline of high-performing individuals who drive innovation and adapt to evolving business landscapes.

Way Forward: Harnessing the Power of High-Performing Teams

Organizations that prioritize building high-performing teams reap numerous benefits.

1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

High-performing teams are focused, pro-active, engaged, and motivated to achieve shared goals. With clear roles and responsibilities, effective communication, and streamlined workflows, these teams consistently deliver superior results and drive organizational success.

Working with a high-performing team as an internal stakeholder or customer is a refreshing experience. Their unwavering focus, proactive approach, and exceptional responsiveness create seamless interactions. They anticipate and solve problems proactively, ensuring efficient workflows. The team's commitment goes beyond meeting expectations, leaving stakeholders confident and satisfied with their partnership.

Also, from the external customer’s point of view, dealing with a high-performing team on their supplier side, they have repeatedly seamless and efficient experiences. These are characterized by exceptional responsiveness, proactive problem-solving, and a deep commitment to exceeding expectations.

2. Enhanced Innovation and Problem-Solving

Diversity of thought and a culture that encourages calculated risk-taking, collaboration, and open communication empower high-performing teams to generate innovative ideas and approaches.

By leveraging the collective intelligence of team members who trust each other and enjoy working together, organizations can overcome challenges, adapt to market dynamics, and stay ahead of the competition.

3. Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

Being part of a high-performing team fosters a sense of pride, purpose, belonging, and trust among team members. Often, such professional experiences create life-long bonds and friendships among team members.

retention and engagement

Employees feel valued, supported, and empowered, leading to increased job satisfaction, higher retention rates, and a positive work environment.

Who would not want to be part of a high-performing team knowing that she had an essential role to play in their success?

Continue creating High Performance Teams

To continue unlocking the power of high-performing teams, organizations should:

  • Embrace a culture of continuous learning and development, providing resources and opportunities for employees to upskill and grow professionally.

  • Foster a diverse and inclusive environment that values different perspectives and encourages collaboration.

  • Invest in effective leadership development programs to cultivate high-performing leaders who can guide and inspire their teams.

  • Regularly assess and refine team dynamics, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and adapting to evolving market conditions.


Building and leading high-performing teams require a strategic and intentional approach. By adhering to the principles that govern high-functioning teams, implementing best practices, and harnessing the benefits of such teams, organizations can unlock their full potential.

As a culture transformation expert, I encourage and support leaders and organizations to prioritize, develop and nurture high-performing teams tackling their strategic initiatives as a key driver of sustainable success. It really does work.

By leveraging the power of collaboration, embracing diversity, empowering team members, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, organizations can create a formidable force that consistently delivers exceptional results, drives innovation, and propels the organization toward its goals.

Invest in building high-performing teams, and witness the transformative impact on your organization's performance and long-term success.

Britta Bibel

Britta is a relentlessly human change-maker, coach, and mentor. She is on a mission to make collaboration productive, joyful and trustful again. Join her in transforming cultures in organizations and working with individuals on unlocking their maximum potential.


Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture and Transformation


Change Management & Organizational Restructuring